I just wanted to add a little bit of a follow up to our Friday.
We did some planning and spending in order to fulfill what we wanted to do for our Random Acts of Kindness on Leo’s anniversary. The truth is, we did many more acts of kindness on Friday that involved no money at all. The feelings of elation that we had were enough to help us continue wanting to express more and more kindness. And it didn’t just end on Friday. Saturday. Sunday. Today. And I hope all the days that follow.
We can do very simple (and FREE!) things to express kindness.
- Help someone carry groceries to his or her car
- Smile at someone
- Let someone cut in front of you line
- Let someone in your lane when you see they’re trying to merge
- Compliment someone
- Really LISTEN to someone
- Hold the door open for someone
- Forgive someone, even if they don’t necessarily know it
- Forgive yourself
- Look in the mirror and say something nice to yourself
- Say something nice to your spouse or partner
- Do some extra chores at home
- Write a love letter
- Wave at your neighbor
- Push shopping carts back into the proper spot
- Volunteer for the day – a shelter, the library, a school, a food bank – anything!
- …the list goes on and on!
The point is, acts of kindness don’t require any monetary investment at all. That’s the best part. No matter where you are, there may be an opportunity to do something kind. Choose kindness, you’ll never regret it.
Mina Gobler says
Practicing random acts of kindness needs to be a way of life. The paybacks make your own life happier.
xoisabel says
That is ABSOLUTELY right, Mina! <3
bimdee says
Are you still active here?
xoisabel says
Yes and no. I haven’t updated in a while. Maybe soon.