I used to be very fond of creating entries in my Art Journal. Before, it was a way to channel any anxious energy and just create something instead of letting pain fester.
I’ll admit, for the longest time, probably since 2006, I left my collage supplies behind and never looked back. My heart didn’t need a reason to create in this way. I stuck to my camera, but even my camera had begun to collect dust.
Yesterday, I found myself in the shower with feelings of deep anger, to the point of rage. At no particular person or thing, just general anger. I was angry at people and circumstances. I knew I needed to do something about it, so, I did. I got out the paper and glue and paint and pastels.
I got my hands dirty. Forgive me, I’m rusty.
XO, Isabel
Mina Gobler says
I just hope it made you feel better– or at least a little less angry and anxious.
xoisabel says
Every little bit helps, Mina. 🙂 I know that I have a choice on how to deal with my feelings. They’re real and natural and I’m glad I am choosing a creative path, rather than a destructive one. That would not do anyone any good at all. It made me feel a bit better and am looking forward to continuing in exploring my creative work.